Tuesday, March 13, 2012

28mm Space Marine Leader (Games Workshop - Painted by Gabriel)

This is one of the marines for a concept fringe army. He is one of the more normal looking leaders. This will be a mutation heavy army that is still loyal to the Emperor. I feel the head and hair are quite well done (minus the eyes). The armor and cloak are just flat out some of my better work. All in all, a good piece.


28mm Wizard (TSR Classics - Painted by Gabriel)

This wizard is from a very old TSR Classics line. Not a bad looking
mini with a very interesting base upgrade. The cloak was the major
focal point. It's not a bad piece, if not a bit rushed.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

28mm Easterling Archer (Games Workshop - Painted by Nate)

This fellow is a test figure for a batch of Easterlings to come. I made extensive use of washes on this one, particularly a lovely one from Citadel called "Devlan Mud". It brings the color values down quite a lot, particularly on the armor.

See you next time! -Nate

54mm Great Lakes Colonial House Facade (Hobby Bunker - Painted by Nate)

This was a bit of a departure for me, but I got out the dry-brush and went to work. The color scheme is loosely patterned after a house that stands on the grounds at Fort Niagara, in New York State.

See you next time! -Nate